Carbon Chemistry 2



      Alkane       |       Alkene       |       Alkyne       |       Alcohol       |       Carboxylic Acid       |

|       CnH2n+2    |       CnH2n        |       C2H2n -2     |   CnH2n+1OH   |       CnH2n+1COOH        |

| Methane CH4  | Ethene C2H4   | Ethyne C2H2    |      Methanol     |      Methanoic Acid         |

| Ethane C2H6   | Propene C3H6 | Propyne C3H4   |      Ethanol        |      Ethanoic Acid            |




  • Where R is the alkyl group
  • Alcohols are created from alkanes, where you substitute one hydrogen for OH
  • Since alkane is saturated, you can only substitute hydrogen to change it
  • CH3OH (Methanol)
  • C2H5OH (Ethanol)
  • C3H7OH (Propanol)
  • C4H9OH (Butanol)
  • Every next consecutive member has a difference of CH2 (All the homologous series)
  • The suffix is _yl Alcohol
  • Same prefix as Alkyne
  • IUPAC names (internationally accepted names)
  • Suffix for IUPAC names are _anol
  • CH3OH (Methanol)
  • C2H5OH (Ethanol)
  • C3H7OH (Propanol)
  • Structure for Alcohols:
Methanol                  Ethanol                    Propanol
      H                          H   H                            H   H   H
       |                            |     |                               |     |     |
H - C - O - H       H - C - C -O - H           H - C - C - C - O - H
       |                            |     |                               |     |     |
      H                          H   H                             H   H   H
  • General Formula For Alcohol: C(n-1)H2(n-1)+1OH
Carboxylic Acid:
  • General Formula for Carboxylic Acid is: CnH2n+1COOH
  • The suffix is _anoic Acid
  • n = 1
  • C(1-1)H2(1-1)+1COOH
  • C0H1COOH
  • HCOOH = Methanoic Acid
  • General rule = + CH2 per increase
  • CH3COOH = Ethanoic Acid
  • C2H5COOH = Propanoic Acid
  • Structure for Carboxylic Acid
Methanoic Acid            Ethanoic Acid            Propanoic Acid
         O                               H      O                       H   H       O
        //                                  |      //                          |     |      //
H - C                            H - C - C                    H - C - C - C            
        \                                   |       \                          |     |       \
        O - H                          H       O - H                H   H       O - H

Functional Group:
  • The part of any Carbon Compound which is responsible for it's properties is known as functional group
  • e.g. OH is the functional group for alcohols
  • e.g. COOH is the functional group for carboxylic acids
  • e.g. CHO is the functional group for aldehydes acids

Condensed Formula:
  • A formula that splits the chemical formula into a condensed structural formula

Chemical Formula:        Condensed Formula:
CH4                                  CH4
C2H6                                CH3 + CH3 -> CH3 CH3
C3H8                                CH3 + CH2 + CH3 -> CH3 CH2 CH3
C4H10                              CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + CH3 -> CH3 (CH2)2 CH3
C5H12                              CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH3 -> CH3 (CH2)3 CH3
C6H14                              CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH3 -> CH3 (CH2)4 CH3
C7H16                              CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH3 -> CH3 (CH2)5 CH3
C8H18                              CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH2 + CH3 -> CH3 (CH2)6 CH3

C3H7OH                          CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + OH -> CH3 (CH2)2 OH Propanol
C3H7COOH                     CH3 + CH2 + CH2 + COOH -> CH3 (CH2)2 COOH Propanoic Acid

- The substance which dissolves other substance.

- The substance which is being dissolved.

- The mixture of the solute and the solution.

Soluble Substances:
- Substance that can dissolve into water.

Insoluble Substances:
- Substance that cannot dissolve into water.

Miscible Substances:
- Liquids that can dissolve in each other and not visibly separate

Immiscible Substances:
- Liquids that cannot dissolve in each other and are visibly separate.

Melting Point:
- The temperature where the substance starts melting.

Boiling Point:
- The temperature where the substance starts boiling.

Freezing Point:
- The temperature where the substance starts freezing.


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